This story is about ultra low-cost Chinese mp3 player. It looks like iPod shuffle, but costs about 1$-2$. Its usual name on Aliexpress looks like: Mini Clip Mp3 Player Portable Music With Micro TF Card Slot (MP3 ONLY) Can Use As USB Flash Dish Up To 8GB Support. (more…)
Install LTIB BSP on Ubuntu 14.04
The LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder) project is a simple tool that can be used to develop and deploy BSPs (Board Support Packages) for various target platforms. Using this tool a user will be able to develop a GNU/Linux image for their target platform.
This instruction helps to build and install LTIB for conga-QMX6 (based on Freescale ® i.MX6 ARM ® Cortex A9) on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux. (more…)

Repairing of monitor Philips 170B4
Yesterday I bought Philips 170B4 LCD 17′ monitor on the sale.
It was very cheap (about 9$), and of course when I turned it on at home, it didn’t work. My OS detected it right, but the screen was total black. Monitor menu worked fine, and showed Brightness and Contrast level equal -1 (minus one). My attempts to restore factory settings via menu made no results. I digged in the Internet and found some reference to “incorrect firmware in that case”. Learned out Service Manual that monitor had EEPROM for saving settings, and got consciousness – in my case data stored in EEPROM was broken.
So to solve this problem you should follow this way: (more…)

Happy Birthday to my Nokia 6100!
In this year, my irreplaceable, beloved Nokia 6100 is celebrating round date! Ten years of the stable work! As part of the celebration I ordered “the phone donor” for it from China. Donor truth was a year older than my phone, if believing to the marking on the main board. In any case, now my old bean looks as a new, and I hope for another 10 years it will be enough!
Few photos of the transplant into the new enclosure: