This story is about ultra low-cost Chinese mp3 player. It looks like iPod shuffle, but costs about 1$-2$. Its usual name on Aliexpress looks like: Mini Clip Mp3 Player Portable Music With Micro TF Card Slot (MP3 ONLY) Can Use As USB Flash Dish Up To 8GB Support. (more…)
Author: Tarkus
Install LTIB BSP on Ubuntu 14.04
The LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder) project is a simple tool that can be used to develop and deploy BSPs (Board Support Packages) for various target platforms. Using this tool a user will be able to develop a GNU/Linux image for their target platform.
This instruction helps to build and install LTIB for conga-QMX6 (based on Freescale ® i.MX6 ARM ® Cortex A9) on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux. (more…)

Repairing of monitor Philips 170B4
Yesterday I bought Philips 170B4 LCD 17′ monitor on the sale.
It was very cheap (about 9$), and of course when I turned it on at home, it didn’t work. My OS detected it right, but the screen was total black. Monitor menu worked fine, and showed Brightness and Contrast level equal -1 (minus one). My attempts to restore factory settings via menu made no results. I digged in the Internet and found some reference to “incorrect firmware in that case”. Learned out Service Manual that monitor had EEPROM for saving settings, and got consciousness – in my case data stored in EEPROM was broken.
So to solve this problem you should follow this way: (more…)

Happy Birthday to my Nokia 6100!
In this year, my irreplaceable, beloved Nokia 6100 is celebrating round date! Ten years of the stable work! As part of the celebration I ordered “the phone donor” for it from China. Donor truth was a year older than my phone, if believing to the marking on the main board. In any case, now my old bean looks as a new, and I hope for another 10 years it will be enough!
Few photos of the transplant into the new enclosure: